
Seven questions, which sholud help you to set goals.

1. What do you want and when - exactly?
Put that ''when'' in there. You must have a way to measure your progress.

2. Is that you really want? Why?
Do you understand your true motivations for wanting this? What are the feelings you desire? What are the needs you're trying to satisfy? Which motive is the deepest? Is this what you want? Or is this your ego speaking?

3. How are you going to get it?
Make master plan.

4. What could stop you and how you can prevent that?
Are there any self-limiting beliefs or external ''enemies'' that work against you? Any obstacles or fears or benefits of keeping things they way they are? What are you afraid of? What could go wrong? Ask yourself, ''What if...'' and then answer, ''In that case i'll...'' Usually there is more than one barrier, and it pays to address them beforehand.

5. When are you really going to start?
If you don't write the first step or task into your calendar for some time during the next couple of weeks, then you're likely not to start at all. Actually, you don't even have much hope. Therefore you must take a first step soon. And having taken that step, you'll already have momentum that will help you go further.

6. What are the inevitable benefits?
Ask yourself: What will I learn in the process whether I succeed or not? How will this help me in the future. What traits will the process develop or strengthen in me? Here's the really good news. The inevitable byproduct of a high goal is personal growth. With any high goal, you are going to have to exert yourself and learn new skills and meet new people. Even if you don't get the goal or push it into the futre with a new deadline, there is no way to lose. That's the beauty of the process.

7. Is this now a decision?
How do you feel about it? Do you believe? Are you ready? Should you commit? Or explore other options instead?

Written down from Peep Vain's book ''The most important question''

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